Wednesday, January 26, 2011

~~~~~~~~~~~~Caddies Take Exams Too~~~~~~~~~~~

   I'll bet~~~that if someone commissioned A Select Group of Smart Boys from say~~~Sloan, Wharton, Harvard, and Stanford~~~or you can pick 'em~~~any old assortment of High Class MBA Factories will do~~~to do a Case Analysis of The Caddie Profession~~~they would be hard pressed to come up with a Reflective Quantitative Business Model if they didn't give full consideration to The Business Model of The World's Oldest Profession :) Yes! Whores! And not just whores~~~for what do whores need when applying their Business Model on the streets? I mean beside~~~Johns? Pimps. They need protection~~~be it from other Pimps~~~or~~~the mean streets. The Users and The Used~~~walking hand in hand~~~it's just the dance of life that you see in any old marketplace~~~when all living things are seen only conditionally and value is brought down into abstraction~~~to put it simply~~~the users and the used only mingle when all around them is seen as dead~~~just a bunch of commodities~~~bought, sold, and accumulated~~~'cause you ain't gonna find nuthin'~~~Alive and Living~~~in any marketplace. That's just the way marketplaces are~~~be it~~supermarket, street corner, or church.
   These Days~~~in this technocratic world~~~a micro-managed maze of subsidiaries and corporate entities~~~a marketplace that moves at the speed of light and encompasses the entire planet~~~The Worldwide Marketplace~~~all strung out on methamphetamine & steroids~~~the old time profession of being a golf caddie has been tossed into this fast-moving post-modern complex web of organizational structures~~~as~~~Most High End Country Clubs and Destination Resorts~~~that have caddies~~~use Front End Management Companies to control them and deal with All The Problems caddies seem to cause. Front Door Caddie Management Corporations keep problems at arm's length from their Host. It's what they do. It's their mission~~~it's their job~~and best describes their nature~~~parasitic. They attach themselves to their host~~~and hang on dearly~~~for a ride~~~preening their host and doing their dirty work~~~keeping their hosts~~~free~~~of legal liability~~~be it~~~health issues, mental issues, criminal behavior, or~~~all the cash flying around the place.
  As you know~~~pimps are supposed to offer some level of protection for their working girls~~~but~~~do Caddie Management Companies offer any protection for their caddies? How can these Front Door Companies be modeled after this  blatantly parasitic behavior? Caddie Management Companies are first and foremost devoted to their Host. So? Maybe Pimps care more for their Whores than Management Corporations care for their caddies? Can that really be true? Well? If it is~~~pimps have more morality than~~~the aforesaid companies.
   How do you think The Smart Boys would model the behavior of Caddie Management Companies? Would they see caddies as independent contractors bound by contracts and all the necessary legality offered up by them? Nope. Don't think so. I think that they would quantitatively analyze these business behaviors based on the premise that~~~any~~~Parasitic Corporate Entity just does it's Host's Bidding~~~and~~~that it's independence and reality are in fact~~~only fiction. These management companies independent reality is just as thin as that stretched out rubber glove pictured above. So thin~~~it's hardly there. (damn i sound like a condom advertisement) Well? Imagine if the Resort/Country Club/Host is a Proctologist~~~and~~~The Caddie Management Company~~~is~~~The Glove. Thin~~~so thin~~~so little separation from their host that all of these front door caddie management corporations~~~are really just~~~non existent. Just Rubbers (and that was the picture i should have put up above)~~~or rubber gloves~~~if you will. But~~~for now~~~these caddie managers do exist~~~and~~~the glove is on tight. So you see~~~these days caddies take exams~~~too! But be sure to tell the smart boys~~~when they build their model for the caddie profession~~~whatever it is that they come up with~~~that after they crunch the numbers~~~they should~~~wash their hands!
 So here is my business model for these entities~~~the resorts are~~~the pimps~~~the caddies are~~~the whores~~~and the management companies are~~~just used rubbers. Makes sense to me~~~for I'm a resort caddie~~~and also have an MBA :) So come on Harvard Business Review~~~how would you model it? 

1 comment:

  1. wow, sounds just like the tsa. and i'm not just talking the rubber gloves.

    i read catch-22 three times in my life. at 19 (forget about it, you just don't know) at 30 sumth'n, i got it, but it bored me.

    then i started working for these federal assholes. every page burned like a burning coal.

    so, live, and learn.

    and get a pink plastic spoon and row your ass off, 'cause the Harvard boys are not on your side.
